Analysis of the main factors related to giving up organ and tissue donation
Organ transplantation, Obtaining Tissues and Organs, Access to HealthAbstract
The aim of this study was to describe the main factors that cause people to give up donating organs and tissues in Brazil. This is an integrative review of the literature based on the descriptors “Obtaining Tissues and Organs” in Portuguese, “Tissue and Organ Procurement” in English, “Obtención de Tejidos y Órganos” in Spanish and “Acquisition d' organes et de tissus” in French, combined with the Boolean operators OR and AND, making it possible to find more articles. In addition, the inclusion criteria were: studies related to the topic, within the time frame of 18 years (2005 to 2023), published in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French. Studies with a lack of up-to-date data, incomplete studies, summarized studies, studies outside the theme and which did not cover the established time frame were excluded, resulting in a final sample of 7 articles. Without going into detail, it was observed that the process of organ transplantation, in the national context, has been increasingly evident to society, based on its technological evolution, the goals of identifying, preparing, capturing and donating organs is becoming more notorious, offering families greater security in terms of fears and uncertainties. In this sense, it is understood that among the main obstacles identified in the literature are uncertainties and fears on the part of families, who, in turn, are the ones who make the decision to proceed with the donation. Another aspect related to this is the lack of preparation on the part of professionals for satisfactorily welcoming family members, making it necessary to produce new studies aimed at providing professionals with sensitization and awareness of continuing education.
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