About the Journal

The Journal of Social Issues and Health Sciences (JSIHS) (ISSN 2966-0742) is a multidisciplinary academic journal that has a double-blind arbitration system and whose mission is to publish and disseminate research that brings reflections that present original contributions, of a theoretical or empirical nature, spreading knowledge in different areas. As a multidisciplinary journal, it is open to different theoretical and methodological approaches and receives contributions from authors from different academic levels.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content based on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate and free access to its content, following the principle that the free availability of scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.

Authors are advised to make their articles available in databases and institutional repositories.

Focus and Scope

Publish research that qualifies the debate on issues relevant to society at national and international level in multidisciplinary areas.

Peer Review Process

This journal adopts the double-blind review arbitration system, with a minimum of 2 reviewers per article. A third evaluator will be consulted if there is a difference of opinion between the first two.

All submissions to this journal will be examined, judged and will have their merit judged by external evaluators, with the authors informed about the acceptance or rejection of their work.

If the article is rejected, the author will receive a new evaluation for the next edition.


Journal of Social Issues and Health Sciences (JSIHS) is an online scientific journal, published monthly, and adopts a continuous flow system for article submission and publication.

Privacy Statement

- The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors.

- The total or partial reproduction of the content of the articles is allowed, provided that the source is mentioned.

- Articles with plagiarism will be rejected, and the author of plagiarism will lose the right to publish in this journal.

- The names and addresses reported in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.

- After submitting the articles, the authors assign the copyright of their articles to JSIHS. If the author regrets the submission, he has the right to ask JSIHS not to publish his article. 

- Journal of Social Issues and Health Sciences (JSIHS) uses the Creative Commons CC BY license. Information about this license can be found at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/br/.